
The Gateways Partnership worked with amateur photographer and battlefield guide, Mark Allen, to select a range of photographs from his work to create an exhibition designed to reflect all four seasons on the former battlefields of the Western Front.

The exhibition was first displayed at the Horsebridge Arts Centre, Whitstable, in the summer of 2021.

A further selection became the core of a temporary exhibition at the Passchendaele Memorial Museum, February 2022-January 2023.

The photos and accompanying soundscape were designed to inspire our imaginations to move across time, considering the wartime conditions, the bereaved who visited these places seeking consolation and catharsis, and the peace and calm of the present. The soundscape interwove sounds of the war and landscape with lesser known poetry of the war, recorded by members of Dover Youth Theatre. It was designed to enhance the journey through the images encouraging you to consider the many influences that have shaped our understanding of the battlefields and their significance to the contemporary world.